Oakwood Primary School

Oakwood Primary School

Special Needs Education

Our School View

At Oakwood we have an inclusive approach to teaching your children. We encourage our pupils to have high aspirations and to work hard to achieve their dreams.

When a child has a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) we will provide extra help, intervention programmes and resources to ensure that they are able to take a full part in school life and achieve the best possible progress.

Children with SEND may have difficulties in one or more of the following areas:

Cognition and Learning- difficulties with learning in subject areas, particularly Reading, Writing and Maths.

Communication and Interaction- difficulties with speech and language.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health-difficulties with self-esteem, working and playing with others and managing feelings.

Sensory and/or Physical Needs- difficulties with sight, hearing or other medical diagnoses.

Contacting Us

SENCo: Karin Humphreys

SEND Governor: Julie Hunt

Contact Details:

Oakwood Primary School
Cotswold Road
GL52 5HD

01242 515775

Email: admin@oakwood.gloucs.sch.uk

SENDCO: Miss Karin Humphreys : admin@oakwood.gloucs.sch.uk FAO SENDCo

If you have concerns teachers are able to talk before or after school or an appointment can be made by phoning the office.

Further information: